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Eman Nepay


Beautiful spirits don't stay long on this earth. Cherish your time and follow your heart. Don't hesitate to make the connections you desire. I had the honor of meeting a woman whose voice I loved to hear. We never met personally, but we talked over the phone. We were connected by another who felt our connection was needed. She was a talented woman, an elder to me. I love the wisdom and the strength of her character that flowed into me as she spoke. She was a writer like myself and a published author.

One particular day, I called her just because it was on my heart. I told her it was a joy to hear her voice and her lovely greeting which she always gave. We talked about our dreams and aspirations and her next writing project which was soon to be underway. She spoke with so much life and she talked with so much enthusiasm; it was contagious. She made you think you could take on the world and do it with ease. Not because it was going to be easy. But because of the positive mindset and determination to achieve it. During many of our conversations she would tell me...“I plan to live to be 100", and I believed her. She had the spirit and the mindset to do it. I told her on this particular day that I wanted to visit her soon and she spoke of the joy of that meeting. We hung up and I looked forward to our next conversation. When it came I didn’t know how precious it would be. It was a text. She let me know how much she appreciated me and how much trust she had in me. She encouraged me. I loved that text.

A few days had passed and I saw her number populate on my phone and I was excited to answer. On the other end was her daughter with the news that my dear friend had went on to glory. Tears are flowing as I write this. She said, that her mother thought the world of me and that the last text I received from her was the last thing she did before she went on to glory.

Thinking back to the very last phone call; I thank God on that day I told my dear friend how much she was an inspiration to me. How much I enjoyed our connection and the love and desire for many more to come. I didn’t know it would be my last words to her. I am glad I followed my heart. My spirit is heavy when I think about our conversations and the last text. I try not to think about that sometimes, as it touches my spirit beyond measure. Her voice is fading in my memory and I hate that. But her spiritual wisdom and her thoughts about life and her strength to endure is with me always. . She is my motivation during trying times as a writer. She is one person I never met but we connected in spirit.

Life as we know it will take you places you’ve never been meeting people you have never laid eyes on and it can change you forever. Never take your daily connections for granted. I love my connections with life and spirits of this world. They are so wonderful and so rewarding if we only took the time to appreciate them. They are all around us. Our families, friends or a stranger in a grocery store who is looking for a smile or a simple hello. How many times do we pass up the opportunity to connect? Are we so busy that a television show is more important than a child wanting your time? A project keeping you from visiting a loved one. A silent grudge that keeps you bitter that you don’t want to speak in passing?

These are questions only you can answer. But there’s one thing that I can say,” LIFE IS SHORT”. We never know the time or the day when our divine connections are no longer with us or have passed us by. Beautiful spirits don’t stay long on this earth, cherish your time, follow your heart and don't hesitate to make connections...

To my friend, you are in my thoughts... and in my heart... rest in GOD'S arms always.

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